Labels:bulletin board | chat room | hakham | person | poster | reckoner | sky | windowpane OCR: allusions t and eternity, buildingon the empirical fact This is what I think he means when he states that Starry Niol makes n religious claim but rather expresses "the purer nature fa country- side, This of his thought links him with the scientists and geogra- phers f his time espousing radical social views and who sawin the country side the possibilities for regenerated society The anarchist- geographer Elisee Reclus asserted that social transformation required salubrious envi- ronment, and he devoted his scholarly activities to the study f the earth ir to learr how ta ameliorate the human condition His approach entailed seeing the planet from its relativistic position in the :SowISos The earth ua which dwell is one of the lawest in rank among the hea venly bodies If an astronomer in some ...